thermodynambot version 005 by b0at public domain See INSTALL for installation instructions. See the comments in _thermodynambot.conf for full example entries. See for the latest version. User commands: TDB or THERMODYNAMBOT (no args) reload config TDBTEST <...> test an entry with arbitrary data (see /help TDBTEST) TDBECHO <...> same as tdbtest, but echos out command rather than executing it (see /help TDBECHO) Basic entry: [method:pattern] +in: locations -in: locations (optional) +from: users -from: users (optional) +mode: modes (optional) -mode: modes (optional) command: xchat command method One of: regex A regular expression. see perlre, perlretut, perlrequick in perldoc (or Use (?i) to enable case in- sensitivity. use ^ at the beginning of the pattern to anchor it to the start of the message, $ at the end to anchor to the end of the message. Captures (in parentheses) are saved and accessible with the %1-%9 and %$ macros. example: [regex:(?i)foo$] text Wildcard-filtered text (see wildcards, below). It matches anywhere in the message. example: [text:bar *] line Wildcard-filtered text anchored to the beginning and end of the message. It must match the entire line to trigger. example: [line:!baz *] wildcards One of * (zero or more characters) or ? (exactly one character). The contents of the message matched by wildcards are captured and saved in the %1-%9 and %$ macros. +in/-in (or +where/-where, if that makes more sense to you) Require or exclude locations (wildcards allowed), which are comma-separated lists. Any of the following may be combined. channels example: +in: #foob?? example: +in: * -in: #butnotthischannel networks with channels example: +in: efnet:*, mynet:#mychan private messages example: +in: private example: +in: efnet:private, * actions (require channels to be specified as well) example: +in: *, action example: +in: #mychan, action +from/-from Require or exclude users (wildcards allowed), comma-sep lists. You may shorten just nicks to 'nick!' and just addresses to '@address'. Any of the following may be combined. example: +from: foo*!*bar@baz example: +from: * -from: bob!, @* example: +from: *!bill@* Optionally, you may use a regular expression. Prefix any mask in the list with an ampersand ('&'). example: +from: * -from: &([^!]+)!~\1@.+ +mode/-mode Require or exclude users with specific modes (no wildcards). Use 'none' to select users with no mode. Note that only the visible mode will match (eg a user with +o and +v will only have a prefix with the oper char, eg @). Arbitrary-length and charcter modes are supported if the network and xchat support them. example: -mode: none example: +mode: @,%,+ command An xchat command to execute. Any number of commands are allowed. Especially handy for this is exec [-o], which could even be used to modify tdb's own configuration file. The command is executed in the context of the event. That means that responses go in the right place. Some macros of the form %. are expanded in commands: %n user's nick name %u user's user name (ident) %a user's address %c channel where event took place (or their nick if in private) %o user's mode in the channel (empty if private) %w network name (or server name) %m own nick name %d current local date %y current gmt date (in '%Y/%m/%d' format from strftime) %t current local time %z current gmt (zulu) time (in '%H:%M:%S' format from strftime) %s full text %1 to %9 capture or wildcard match (or empty) %$ last capture, if any (otherwise empty) %% single percent sign % Color codes (%B, %C, %U, %V for reverse, %O for reset) are interpreted correctly. They must be upper case. Unmatched macros are removed. eg, '%q' expands to '' -- to output '%q' use '%%q' If an entry may be triggered by a public (channel) or a private event, then use 'msg %c' to respond rather than just 'say', which would print the response to the channel even if it was supposed to go to the other party privately. example: command: say %n (actually %u@%a) triggered this event. example: command: exec -o /path/to/program example: command: exec -o perl -lwe 'some_great_one-liner();' 2004/11/15