onJoin v004 for X-Chat 2 (versions 2.0.8 or greater) by b0at released into the public domain 8 November 2004 ___CHANGES Macros are now of the form %_, so old conf commands with variable-style macros won't work. Some have been added Network/server names can optionally be specified before channel names in the form network:#channel. Multiple channels (with or without networks) may be specified for each mask, separated by commas (with no spaces). ___SEEKING HELP Visit #xchat on EFnet, Freenode, or OFTC. Please mention your xchat version number (and build, if not official), any scripts involved and their versions, and your operating system. Be patient and show your support by helping out if you can. ___FILES on_join-005.pl script readme.txt this file readme_70.txt this file wrapped at 70 columns _onjoin.conf example .conf file ___CONF Commands are interoplated for a few macros/keywords: '%n' -> user's nick name '%u' -> user's user name (ident) '%a' -> user's address '%c' -> channel they joined '%w' -> current network Unrecognized macros are ignored (not replaced). Entry form: mask channel command separated by spaces only one per line mask - matched against nick!user@addr wildcard - * for any chars, ? for one chars (case insensitive) *!*@* bob* *.foo.com regex - prepend with '@' (case sensitive) @[^!]+![^@]@.+ case insensitive regex @(?i).* channel - list of channels, comma separated, no whitespace, (case insensitive) channel name #foo,#bar network:channel - one channel per pair, network is matched against network name if available, otherwise by server name, otherwise will only trigger for all-network events (no network specified) efnet:#foo,efnet:#bar special values - single * for all channels * no wildcards or regex command - an xchat command EOF.